Hello 2023!
I don’t know about you, but I for one love to start the new year by setting my intentions.
2022 was full of changes as I set up my art business. This week, as I step into 2023, I’m reviewing and refreshing my goals for the next 1-3 years, and my plan of action to get there.
I start each new year by reviewing and refreshing my goals.
Whilst evolving my art practice is at the top of the priorities, one ambition I have is to improve my writing and share my learnings with other aspiring artists. To achieve this, I’ve set to goal to publish a regular blog.
2023 GOAL: “Publish a weekly blog. I’ve had blogging on my mind for some time now and I’m ready get moving!”
Malti B Lee
This post is the first step as I progress towards this goal. By sharing this with you, I hope you keep me accountable.
Whilst I’m still figuring out the content and structure of my blog, I have some initial ideas of what I’ll use this space to share…

I would love to hear your thoughts on my blog proposal. Even better, want me to share my thoughts on a specific topic? Leave me a comment to let me know!
Excited for where the blog takes us!
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